Month: September 2010

  • Game Console Video Capture post by ggamdori

    Take a look a gamer ggamdori’s post on various capture devices that can be used to capture gaming videos from PS3 and Xbox 360. His post compares 4 devices from 2 companies and shows the strengths of each.

  • Star Trek Online Weekly and Daily Missions

    I’m really enjoying Star Trek Online’s Weekly and Daily missions dealing with the Deferi and the Breen. The Breen ships are quite a challenge, and they’re nearly as tough as the Borg on the ground. So far, the plot is moving slowly, but it has a lot of potential. Most of the missions can be…

  • Steam vs. Impulse

    I am a user of both Steam ( and Impulse (, so I thought I would compare and contrast them. It is nice that we have some competition and choice among digital game distribution for the PC, as opposed to the consoles, where the manufacturer has a lock on the services. Steam, from tremendous game maker Valve, has…

  • Evochron Legends

    Since I love the X series of open-ended space combat/trading/etc. games, I should like the Evochron series, right? Sadly, no. I have tried several of the incarnations of Evochron, including buying the latest incarnation, Evochron Legends, on Impulse. Evochron is a space game, like X3, where you start in a one-person space ship and try…

  • More on the X series games from Egosoft – Voice Acting

    So I posted a glowing article about the X series games, which I really do love and have great fun playing. But they do have faults. The most glaring fault is the voice acting. X2:The Threat had lots of voice acting and it was terrible, but (I think) done in a tongue-in-cheek style that knew…

  • X3:Terran Conflict

    The X series of games from Egosoft are some of the best space combat/building/trading games you can play. They are exciting, fun, have a plot that you can follow or ignore, and are very open ended. I started with X2:The Threat, then played X3:Reunion, and am still playing X3:Terran Conflict. In all these games, you…

  • Warpgate HD for iPad

    Warpgate HD is a nifty space game for iPad. It was the first game I bought when I got the iPad and it has been lots of fun. The game is filled with exploration of many star systems and wars between six factions that control various regions. By the end, you will work for and…

  • Witcher – Another really fun game

    I thoroughly enjoyed Witcher Enhanced Edition when I played it a couple years ago. It is an RPG with seamless battles and lots of action, including fighting (fist fighting competitions), loving (sexy time!), and killing of many, many creatures and people. The plot was fine, but forgettable, but it kept the game moving. You play a…

  • Why I quit Eve Online

    Full disclosure: I changed the title of this post. I didn’t really hate Eve Online, but decided I didn’t want to play it, so I quit it. I really wanted to like Eve Online. I really did! I was about done with my free trial sometime back and was thinking about starting the paid subscription.…

  • Star Trek Online Battle

    In this Star Trek Online battle, my ship, the USS Ampere, is protecting a damaged ship from waves of alien attacks. Since my ship is a science vessel, it doesn’t have very powerful weapons, but does have good shields, so my hull is well protected. You can see that the battle is generally turning and…