• Eclectic Game Playing Recently (Pocket Legends, LOTRO, Star Trek Online, and Planetside 2)

    In this case, by Eclectic, I mean random, crazy, no theme or consistency… I’ve been very busy recently with work and personal projects, so I haven’t had a lot of time to play games, and when I have had time, it has been in small increments. The exception to this was Fable III, which I…

  • LOTRO Tour 9: Lone Lands

    In this video tour, we cross the Lone Lands from the Forsaken Inn to Ost Guruth, but in a roundabout way. The path takes us to the summit of Weathertop where the Hobbits encountered the Nazgul, then down a shortcut and back to the road. We encounter wargs, spiders, half-orcs, and more on the way…

  • LOTRO Tour 8: Bree to the Forsaken Inn

    Here I paid for a fast horse from the south gate of Bree to the Forsaken Inn at the start of the Lone Lands. Upon leaving South Chetwood, we can see the Midgewater Marshes, then the entrance to the Bree player housing area, and finally arriving at the Forsaken Inn, which clearly has seen better…

  • LOTRO Tour Part 6: Stock to Bree

    In my never ending quest to show just how big Middle Earth in LOTRO is, I’m continuing the tour, this time riding from Stock (in the Shire) to Bree. This is, of course, not the path the Hobbits took to Bree, as they went through the forest and met Tom Bombadil. Sometime, I will show…

  • Star Trek Online ground mission

    The best part, in my opinion, of Star Trek Online are the starship battles, but the ground missions are fairly good, as well. In most of them, you and your faithful Bridge Officers (BOFFs) fight enemies and scan things and fix broken things and generally save the planet. It is important to choose your BOFFs…

  • Still playing Star Trek Online and Lord of the Rings Online

    So between finishing Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Gears of War 3 and being punished for thinking I could play Dark Souls, I have continued to play Star Trek Online (STO) and Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO), because they are fun and comfortable. I am a charter subscriber to STO and have a lifetime…

  • My current games: Started Final Fantasy XIII-2, Stopped DDO, Playing STO

    My gaming life has been fairly hectic recently because of work and real-life issues (don’t you hate it when those get in the way?). So this will be a brief update on my meager gaming recently. At the urging of a friend, I started playing Dungeons and Dragons Online. It’s a fairly neat game, and…

  • My ship in Star Trek Online

    My Constitution class cruiser in Star Trek Online is very conventional, but still looks pretty good. The NX designation, rather than the usual NCC, is because I am a lifetime subscriber or played the beta or some such thing. The ship’s name, Hermosa Beach, is because I used to live in Hermosa Beach and still…

  • Lootboxes – a way for MMOs to separate us from our money

    Lootboxes are a fairly new phenomenon, at least in the MMORPGs I play the most, Star Trek Online and Lord of the Rings Online, and they are an interesting attempt to separate us from our money. Real money, not in-game stuff. And it is not necessarily a bad thing, but it may not bode well…

  • How Star Trek Online offers a different challenge from most MMOs

    I will not declare complete knowledge of MMOs by a long shot, but Star Trek Online is different from all the MMOs I’ve played (or tried). These differences add a bit of complexity, yet most MMO players will find things familiar enough that it will not be an issue. The biggest difference between STO and…